Features of Popular HEPA Filter Holding Frames

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Features of Popular HEPA Filter Holding Frames


To learn filter holding frames features, I will introduce structures and functions of HEPA Filter at first. After that, you will understand features of HEPA Holding Frames well.

HEPA filters, once called absolute filters. The U.S. Armed Services were originally developing it as the particulate stage of a chemical, biological, radiological (CBR) filtration unit for use. However, in modern society, HEPA filter has stepped into common families. It is used as a filtration device to clean air. HEPA is an abbreviation for high efficiency particulate air and is a filtration technology. And during the Manhattan Project, people designed it to prevent radiation from escaping the labs. Nearly seven decades later, it is still the most sophisticated form of air filtration available. That coupled with its low cost and accessibility makes it the filter medium of choice for hospitals, datacenters, military installations and even residences throughout the world. HEPA filters are designed based on the size of particles to be removed and the required air flow rate. The HEPA filter structure must be designed as well.

Speaking of HEPA filter functions, you'd better the working principle of HEPA filter. Impaction is the first step. Impaction is the physical capture of larger particles that are not able to pass through the filter. Impaction increases as fiber density and air velocity increase. The second step is interception and airborne particles following the flow of air come near enough to a fiber and are attracted to it. In this instance they do not have to touch the fiber first in order to become attracted and adhere to the fiber. The last step is diffusion. The collision of tiny particles (usually measuring less than 0.1 micro meters) with gas particles prevents their path from through the HEPA filter. The possibility of the particle is increased by this slow path and captured by either impaction or interception.

About the HEPA filter functions, HEPA filters are used today in many different industries. Nuclear facilities require high standards of air filtration and only HEPA filters are used. The same maintains hospitals that commonly pair high-grade HEPA filters with ultraviolet lights to help filter out and drop airborne viruses and bacteria. Even some household vacuums have HEPA filters to help reduce the amount of allergens circulated back into the air. Last but not least, you have to keep it in mind that it is significant to note that people design HEPA filters to arrest very fine particles effectively, but they do not filter out gasses and odor particles. If you are in need of HEPA filter. That's all for filter holding frames features. Have you known Filter holding frames features well? For more information, please visit the website through the link www.hefilter.com.