How Do AHU Air Filters Work

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How Do AHU Air Filters Work


AHU Air Filters, which can also be called as Air Handling Unit, are one of the most convenient and best way to purer the air in the rooms. If you put the AHU Air Filters on the places you and your family spend the most time, your health will be greatly guaranteed.

AHU air filters are known for cleaning the allergens, particles and other impurities out of the air. The usage of the AHU air filters are not only a great relief to the asthma sufferers, it can also help normal people to have a better sleep at night. Also these AHU air filters are quite economical, it only spends little electricity.

There are a great number of AHU air filters on the market manufactured by different companies from all over the world. Before you make the decision of putting which AHU air filters, you will want to know the how the AHU air filters work. The answer to this question can be very helpful when you are choosing the AHU air filters.

The Air Handling Units apply different technologies. Let’s have a look at all types of AHU air filters and all these thechonologies.

HEPA air filters

Air handling unit which uses which type of AHU Air filters can greatly remove the allergens from the air. This type of AHU air filters can also be used as the pre filter of hospitals and sterile laboratories. So this type of AHU air filters is also the best one.

Activated carbon air filter

This type of AHU air filters works better to trap the chemicals in the air than the HEPA filters.

UV lamp

Some people may wonder how a UV lamp has anything to do with the AHU air filters and removing impurities. But the truth is the UV lamp is a perfect device to remove viruses and germs from the indoor air. In this way, a UV lamp is quite useful in the air handling unit.

Ozone generator

This device can remove all the odors from the air. But if you are not using this ozone generator, never forget to turn off this device, for it may cause respiratory problems.

Each of these technologies can work with each other. The more of these technologies used in one Air handling unit air filter, the better performance the AHU will be.

So when you are purchasing the air handling unit, pay attention to the technology it applies and the type of AHU air filters it uses.