Do You Know How to Use Chemical Filter

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Do You Know How to Use Chemical Filter

At first, in the process of transportation, installation and use of chemical filters, we should carry out in accordance with the requirements to ensure the use effect. After using for a period of time, due to the dust on the filter material surface, the efficiency and resistance of the Chemical filters will reduce and it will affect the supply of clean air. We need to replace filters in time right now. This article mainly discusses the high efficiency chemical filters installation and use in detail.

How to use chemical filters? Before installation, all kinds of chemical filters are not allowed to open the packaging or packaging film. We should deposit the chemical filters according to the packing direction of the filter. In the process of handling, we should take and put down slightly to avoid violent vibration and impact. For high efficiency chemical filters, installation direction must be right. For example, filter combination with corrugated plate must be installed in the vertical direction. Filter connection must be between the vertical and frame. The plastic deformation, breakage and leakage must be strictly prohibited. After installation we must ensure that the wall is clean with no dust, grease, rust and debris, etc. On the other hand, before installation, we must do comprehensive cleaning to purify the Air conditioning filters system internal dust. If there is any dust, we shall clean the chemical filters to meet the requirements. As the high efficiency chemical filters is installed in the technical sandwich or in the ceiling, the technology layer or the ceiling should also conduct a comprehensive wipe.

How to use chemical filters? In addition, for cleanliness level equal to and above 100 grade clean room, before installation chemical filters, they shall be in accordance with the clean room construction and acceptance standard (JGJ71-90) regulation method and leak detection to meet the prescribed requirements. Under the condition of normal use, tablet and folding type chemical filters will be changed generally once 1-2 months. The filter will be replaced after soaking in the water or washing with detergent and then we'll dry and change it. We need to flush it for 1 to 2 times. Then the new filter can be replaced and it is a good way to guarantee the filtration efficiency of chemical filters. We can change the chemical filters according to the differential gauge or differential pressure. For the primary efficiency filter, when the pressure difference value is greater than 250 pa, it needs to be replaced.

For medium efficiency filter, when the pressure difference is greater than 330 pa, it needs to be replaced. And for High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter, when the pressure difference value is greater than 400 pa, it must be replaced and at the same time the original filters cannot be reused. From our introduction you can just get the probable knowledge about how to use chemical filters. If there is a need, just visit for more information.