Working Principle of Compact HEPA Filter

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Working Principle of Compact HEPA Filter


Compact HEPA filter is designed for special requirements. It can extract smallest particles out of the air. Compact HEPA Filters can be fastened to existing holding frames or channel installations. If you want to use compact HEPA filter, you have to know compact HEPA filter working principle firstly.

This is the first part of compact HEPA Filters working principle. The Internal filter housing of compact HEPA filter mainly consisted of coarse filter, fine filter, suction sewage pipe, stainless steel brush or stainless steel nozzle, consisting of seals, anti-corrosion coating and rotational shaft. After the compact HEPA filter was installed and debugged by the technical staff, you should set cleaning filtration time and conversion time. The water is treated in the filter from the inlet into the body. When the water of impurities deposited on a stainless steel mesh, it creates pressure. You can monitor the inlet and outlet pressure switch to pressure changes. When the pressure reaches the set value, the electric controller to the hydraulic control valve, drive motor signal causing the following actions: motor driven rotating brush for cleaning the filter, while the control valve is opened for sewage. Continued throughout the cleaning process takes tens of seconds, when the cleaning is finished, close the control valve. When you notice that the motor stopped, the system was restored to its original state and start filtering into the next step.

This is second part of compact HEPA filters working principle. Actually compact HEPA filters operate differently than a typical membrane filter. Compact HEPA filters operate based on a different principle. The space between HEPA fibers is actually often much larger than the particles a HEPA filter targets. Instead, compact HEPA filters catch particles through a combination of three different mechanisms. The first step is called interception. The particle sticks to one of the filter's fibers after coming close enough to it. It is as if the fiber reaches out and catches the particle. The second step is impaction. The particle is forced into contact with a fiber by the trajectory of the airstream in which it is traveling, and is embedded into it. It is as if the particle makes a head-on collision with the fiber and then cannot dislodge itself. The last step is diffusion. The arrangement of the fibers makes the particle collide with air or other gas molecules, and it is thrown off its course through the filter. Basically this is a means of keeping the particle within the filter until one of the other two methods succeeds in ensnaring it.

This is the Compact filter working principle. Anyway knowing the compact HEPA filters working principles is the first step to use compact HEPA filters. If you have more questions of compact HEPA filter, you can search it on the internet or you can visit
