The Working Principle of Panel Filters

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The Working Principle of Panel Filters


We are all using air cleaners or air purifier now. Almost all houses are equipped with one or two air cleaners or air purifiers. We may use it for years or decades, but I can assure you that the majority of the public do not know the working principle of the panel filters, which is the key of a good filtration system.

We are all aware of the benefit of an air purifier or an air cleaner. Apart from improving the indoor air quality level, the air purifier and air cleaner can do a lot more, such as maintaining the neat and tidy of the rooms and keeping the allergens out of our reach. If we can understand the working principle of the panel filters of the air cleaners and best air purifier, we can make better choice when purchasing the air cleaner or air purifier.

There are basically two types of panel filters on the market. One panel filter that can remove the solids, another one can remove the gaseous particles in the air. But both types of the panel filters are aimed at the same object that is reduce the airborne particles. Gaseous particles can be filtered out of the air by means of adsorption.

In order to capture these particles in the air, the panel filters can be applied with four effects: the sieve effect, the inertial mass effect, the interception effect and the diffusion effect. Let’s have a look at the principles of these working effects of the panel filters one by one.

1. The sieve effect

The sieve effect is the most commonly used effect in panel filters. The principle of it is quite simple. When the particles are larger than the gaps of the panel filters, they get trapped.

2. The inertial mass effect

If the quantity of the particles is large then the panel filters applied with this principle can work better.

3. The interception effect

Panel filters which are applied with this principle can remove smaller impurities in the air.

4. The diffusion effect

Panel filters applied with this diffusion effect can remove the smallest particles in the air.

So when you have decided to invest in your health and buy an Air Cleaner or air purifier HEPA filter, you can consider this aspect of the panel filters when you are making your decision.

So do you know the working principle of the panel filters now? If you still have any problem of the principle of the panel filters, you can visit the official website of Shanghai Hefil Purifying Equipment Manufacturing, the best panel filter manufacturer for more information.

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