Portable HEPA Filter Wide Applications

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Portable HEPA Filter Wide Applications


There is a reason why the United States government reimbursed people for portable HEPA filters if they lived near Ground Zero; and why they recommend them for homeland security, and why hospitals use them in infectious disease units. And the reason is Portable HEPA Filter is of high efficiency. Here we will discuss the wide portable HEPA Filter applications. The Portable HEPA Filter is the heart of the biological safety cabinets, laminar flow clean benches and cleanrooms. The portable HEPA filter is a disposable dry-type filter, constructed of borosilicate microfibers cast into a thin sheet, much like a piece of paper. The glass microfibers form a complex three-dimensional matrix that traps particulate matter including microorganisms, however, gases pass freely though the filter. The filter media is also folded to increase its surface area. Particles retention is achieved by multiple mechanisms of portable HEPA filter working together including sieving, interception, inertial impaction and diffusion.

The portable HEPA filters are rated on their ability to retain particles 0.3 micrometers in diameter. The filters are most commonly tested by introducing an aerosol. Then readings are taken on the opposite side of the filter (downstream) to quantify the number of penetrated droplet. Therefore, if the filter allows one or less droplets to penetrate with an initial concentration of 10000, the filter is rated 99.99% efficiency. Variations in filter efficiency, for example from 99.95% to 99.99% are usually due to manufacturing techniques.

The portable Hepa filter H14 applications are classified into multiple types based on penetration level of each HEPA filter. Penetration should be measured using the guidelines established by the IEST-RP-CC001.5 and correspond with the classification stating from type A to type K. Type C filter is generally used in Biological Safety Cabinets and Cleanrooms. Developed to handle the rigorous demands of micro-decontamination operations where reliable, high-volume air filtration is essential to safety and productivity. These compact portable units require no duct work or installation. With low electrical consumption, they are virtually maintenance free.

The life of portable HEPA & ULPA Filters varies greatly with multiple factors including the operating hours, the cleanliness of the laboratory and the practice and nature of the work being done. Typically, with normal usage, portable HEPA filters commonly last from three to five years before new replacement is required. After reading portable HEPA Filter applications, you must know how to choose the portable HEPA filter now. If you are interested in portable HEPA filter, you can see more detailed information at www.hefilter.com.