Main Features of Kitchen Air Filter

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Main Features of Kitchen Air Filter

Do you know how much damage the kitchen fumes can cause to damage your health? Do you know how to avoid being harmed by kitchen fumes? The kitchen air filter can help. A lot of housewives and mothers do not notice that the kitchen is the most polluted area in the house. Its main source of cooking fumes and liquefied gases are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and other harmful gases. Fume contains about 300 kinds of harmful substances like DNP and others. Prolonged inhalation of fumes from one human tissue lesions not only affect the skin but also affect breathing. The skin becomes loose inelastic, wrinkled, gray, rough, long spot and fatter if breathe in the fumes for a long time. Smoke can damage the immune system. There will be varying degrees of hair loss. If housewives have the symptoms of hoarseness, sore throat, irritating cough, sputum, pharyngeal foreign body, severe dyspnea and neck lumps, it is dangerous. Now, do you think a kitchen air filter is necessary?

The kitchen air filter features are too many to introduce each one. The main kitchen air filter features are as follows:
1. A kitchen Air filter can prevent the fire burning. It can effectively reduce fumes in the hood front end by more than 90% so does oil hoods and pipelines. The use of special equipment manufacturing alloy materials makes kitchen air filter stands high temperature, effectively blocking the 700-degree heat from fire and eliminate fire hazards in the flue.
2. The purify efficiency of a kitchen air filter is high. Fume purification effect is in line with (more than) the national standard. In addition, the purification process is not affected by fumes from the composition and concentration changes.
3. Kitchen air filter can protect the environment and save energy at the same time. It uses no water and no electricity.
4. No noise, no hassle replacement parts and cost savings.

Learning the harm of the kitchen fumes and kitchen air filter features, I cannot wait to install a kitchen hood filter in your kitchen, and you? Certainly, after installing, the maintaining and cleaning are also important. In the case of any article not long-term use also requires careful maintenance every day so as to increase the service life of the machine. Kitchen air filter is the same. If you want to buy a kitchen air filter or have any question and advice about filters, you can visit