In this day and age, the air pollution is becoming more serious than centuries ago. It is reported that several diseases are related to poor air quality, which makes the situation far more serious. And the indoor air quality is lower than the outdoor air quality, which is quite astonishing.
With the purpose of getting a better indoor air, the filtration system is invented. With the help of the filtration system installed inside the buildings, people can once again breathe clean, healthy and pollutant-free air.
In the past five years, the usage of the filtration system has multipled. More and more business owners are using the filtration system to maintaining a good working environment. The great performance of the filtration system can hardly do without the help of the Bag filters. Everyone individual who is within the range of the filtration system enjoys the benefits of the filtration system and bag filters.
As we all know, bag filters are fibrous bags, which are usually installed inside the filtration system. The bag filters are good devices for removing the floating particles in the air. This great ability of the bag filters is also the reason why the use of the bag filters can benefit every member inside the building.
In order to fulfill different roles, the bags filters are manufactured in different size and shapes.
Here are some features of bag filters:
1. Great performance.
Bag filters are ideal solution to cleaning the floating particles in the air which is less than 5 microns.
2. High-tech.
Another feature of the bag filters is that the bag filters are working according to the jet type cleaning progress. This progress greatly ensures the working capability of bag filters.
3. Easy working with.
The bag filters can be installed in almost all kinds filtration systems on the market. This is also a feature of the bag filters.
All the features of the bag filters above are just a small aspect of the bags filters. If we want to know better about bag filters, we should also know the types of bag filters. There are altogether 3 types of bag filters on the market. They are coarse bag filter, G3 bag filter and G4 bag filter.
These three types of bag filters are designed for different purposes. So if you want to use the bag filters, you should know better of the function each type of bag filters.
Coarse bag filters always work as the primary filters. G3 bag filters usually work as the pre filter for all sensitive indoor air. And G4 bag filters are often applied in hospitals or food production.
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