How To Maintain Fiberglass Air Filter

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How To Maintain Fiberglass Air Filter


Indoor air pollutants rate among the top five environmental health risks today, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Air-tight construction and home insulation contribute to poor indoor air quality. Although these home improvements stop drafts and save on energy costs, they stop fresh air from coming into your home and pollutants from leaving. Today you have two options to improve indoor air quality: allow clean exterior air into the residence to provide ventilation or use an air cleaning device that removes indoor pollutants. Choosing fiberglass air filter for the removal of airborne pollutants is the most economical way to keep healthy. Now let's get to how to maintain fiberglass air filter.

Clogging is part of the normal operation of an air filter, and it causes resistance to air flow. A filter's efficiency rating is an indication of how much debris it can hold before it is too saturated. As the filter becomes full, the HVAC system or air purifier must work harder. Working harder puts strain on the system, which reduces lifespan, and it requires additional power, which increases the total cost of ownership. In addition, as return filters become saturated, they trap fewer particles and absorb less gasses and odors. In other words, the air pollution level indoors rises. It is important to note that indoor air pollution is naturally higher than outdoor air pollution due to concentration levels and less ventilation. Therefore, there is a need to know how to maintain fiberglass air filter.

Washable Filters are filters that you can clean and reuse. A common type of washable air filter is the electrostatic filter. These filters tend to be more efficient than the standard home air filter. The manufacturer uses sturdier materials and designs them to hold up to cleaning, re-cleaning, and extended use. In fact, many washable air filters even come with lifetime warranties from the manufacturer. Washable air filters are typically more expensive than disposable air filters but have the potential for greater cost-efficiency long term.

Different from washable filters, fiberglass air filter is a kind of disposable air filter. Disposable air filters are the more common style and designed for the homeowner to discard after a single use. Typically, a Filter manufacturers makes a disposable air filter using fiberglass and cardboard. Since the manufacturer is able to use materials that are less expensive, they can pass savings onto the consumer. Disposables, however, will become inefficient more quickly if not properly maintained. If you find your fiberglass air filter is dirty, change it with a new one. Anyway, the fiberglass air filters are economic on the market. This is the way of how to maintain fiberglass air filter. If you are interested in our products, you can visit for more information.